Knowledge Agency receives contract for ensuring compliance of EUROCONTROL Network Manager B2B services towards the System Wide Information Management (SWIM) specifications. The one year contract includes compliance assessment of SWIM Service design, the ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM) and SWIM Technical Specifications.

Knowledge Agency participates in large SWIM demonstration

On August 21-22, a joint System Wide Information Management (SWIM) demonstration between LFV and Swedavia related to Arlanda airport was performed by the Swedish SPADS research project which Knowledge Agency provides consulting services to.

The demonstration, to over 70 participants, covered two main operational scenarios related to snow and medical events and one technical scenario which demonstrated the development and implementation of SWIM services.

“We have seen that demonstrations are critical in spreading understanding of the SWIM concept and achieving executive level buy-in and are very proud of the outcome of the SPADS work. Many components are now mature, and it is time to move towards operational use of the SWIM solutions.” – says Niklas Häggström, SPADS lead architect from Knowledge Agency.

Read more here:

(Swedish only) Knowledge Agency kommer under hösten 2018 presentera en helt ny utbildning – GO DIGIT

Knowledge Agency kommer under hösten 2018 presentera en helt ny utbildning – GO DIGIT – som primärt vänder sig till digitaliseringsansvariga och EA/IT arkitekter inom offentlig förvaltning.

Syftet med utbildningen är att stödja företag och offentlig förvaltning med att etablera gemensamma arbetssätt och processer för att definiera och beskriva interoperabla digitala tjänster för informationsutbyte. Efter genomförd utbildning skall man snabbare kunna komma igång med utvecklingen av digitala tjänster, men också samtidigt få verktyg för samverkan med andra aktörer genom användning av standardiserade tjänster och informationsutbyte.

Utbildningen bygger på lång och beprövad erfarenhet inom informationshantering i den offentliga och privata sektorn såväl som  internationellt som nationellt. Knowledge Agency har dokumenterat och förfinat en uppsättning standards och bevisat fungerande koncept, metoder och acceleratorer i en tjänstebaserad verktygslåda för att passa behoven för den offentliga sektorns digitalisering.

Knowledge Agency joins The Lindholmen Software Development Day (May 29, 2018) as one of the main sponsors

Knowledge Agency joins The Lindholmen Software Development Day (May 29, 2018) as one of the main sponsors. Lindholmen is a neutral arena for cross-industry knowledge sharing in software development.

The Lindholmen Software Development Day is a collaboration between Ericsson, Chalmers, University of Gothenburg, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group, Cybercom, Ascom, Combitech, HiQ, Knowledge Agency, Zenuity, Business Region Göteborg, SKF, Swedsoft and Lindholmen Science Park. The event offers cutting edge open seminars and a meeting place for industry, academia and society. Meet researchers, business developers, employees, entrepreneurs and students in the field. The Lindholmen Software Development Day is an enabler for collaboration to bring future success in software development in Sweden.  Read more here:

Swedish Air Traffic Services – International SWIM

Swedish Air Transportation Agencies and stakeholders’ awards Knowledge Agency a project assignment within the area of Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Airport Operational Center (APOC). The scope covers International standardisation work for SWIM Services at EUROCAE. The development of the first set of practical implementation guidelines of SWIM specifications at EUROCONTROL as well as provide support to operational projects for the use of European Air Traffic Management Architecture (EATMA) in the SWIM deployment program for EUROPE.

The European ATM Architecture Framework and European ATM Portal is recognised by major stakeholders

The European ATM Architecture Framework (EATMA) and European ATM Portal (eATM portal) that Knowledge Agency has helped develop is recognised by major stakeholders to be an instrumental part in the modernising of Europe’s Air Traffic Management.

The framework enables projects to collaborate with other projects and input their solution data, develop modelling operational scenarios and customise dashboards allowing experts to follow progress on solutions. The entire information is shared throughout the programme via the eATM web portal which is fed with data from the underlying architecture repository.

“It is very encouraging to see that the efforts spent on developing and implementing the framework in the SESAR programme is generating such great value to the programme and the ATM stakeholders. We are very proud to be one of the contributors in this massive-scale architecture effort and look forward to continue our collaboration with EUROCONTROL and the other SESAR partners throughout the SESAR 2020 programme and further.” says Niklas Häggström, Senior Consultant and Partner at Knowledge Agency.

Read the official communication from SESAR Joint Undertaking on Modernising air traffic management in Europe – the integrated way here.


Knowledge Agency is assigned by Inera to support the establishment and development of a nationwide community for architects in Swedish Regions and Municipalities. Knowledge Agency will provide Enterprise Architecture expertise to increase the digital transformation by education and creation of architecture methods and frameworks as well as supporting the creation of architectures. In addition, a description of a digital ecosystem for digitalization will be developed to clarify roles and responsibilities among the actors.

Next generation architecture for e-health

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting), has acquired Inera AB to strengthen and accelerate the digitalisation in the local authorities and regions. Utilising Ineras long experience in providing e-health related services at a national level, the intention is to further expand to regions and local authorities and other domains such as social care and education.

One of the key enablers for this digital transformation is the Architecture function at Inera as it provides guidelines and facilitates collaboration between the actors, including regions, local authorities, private actors and citizens.

Knowledge Agency has been contracted to support Inera in developing and implementing the next generation architecture framework and act as mentors to architects in the various organisations. The framework includes a description of the digital ecosystem, processes and methods for architecture development, architecture description guideline etc. Architectures encompass reference and target architectures that range from strategic business architecture to architectures of technical platforms and services for information exchange.

Evaluation of concept for ontology based information management

Knowledge Agency has been contracted by Vinnova, Sweden’s government agency for innovation, to assess and evaluate a novel concept for an ontology based information management platform. The concept introduces a way to manage knowledge in an ontological format which is linked to actual data. This allows efficient discovery of data and provides the ability to anonymise it and for a data owner to control who has access to the data, irrespectively of where it is stored. The objective is to determine whether the concept can be applied at a national or even global level, starting from a practical example application in the medicine informatics area.

Extension of Dometic engagement

The contract with Dometic has been extended for Knowledge Agency to provide support to the establishment of an Enterprise Architecture (EA) function in the company. Knowledge Agency will act as interim lead Enterprise Architect with responsibility of developing the EA practice, and to support the CIOs at group and regional levels as well as strategic projects to accelerate the digital transformation that the company is performing.