Single European Sky ATM Research
Knowledge Agency has been participating extensively in the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) programme since 2010. This EU-funded initiative with a total budget of more than 3 billion € until 2020 aims at modernising Air Traffic Management to ensure increased capacity, lower costs and environmental impacts while improving safety.
Clients of Knowledge Agency include several key stakeholders such as EUROCONTROL (Belgium), LFV (Sweden), NATS (UK) and the SESAR Joint Undertaking who is managing the program on behalf of the European Commission.
Main roles and achievements include development of European ATM Architecture (EATMA), which is a reference architecture for Air Traffic Management based on the NATO Architecture Framework (NAF). It is used to describe new operational and technical concepts, identify and manage dependencies across the many projects, support program management by monitoring and maturity assessments and provides the basis for the ATM Master Plan deployment schedule. Knowledge Agency tasks include development of the architectural framework, providing support for the creation of the architecture, modelling, training as well as communication and establishment. This work was awarded the prestigious “LEADERSHIP IN ENTERPRISE TRANSFORMATION USING ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE” award by the FEAC Institute and John Zachmann in 2015.
Knowledge Agency has also been deeply involved in the research and development of the System Wide Information Management (SWIM) concept, which enables the ATM stakeholders to collaborate efficiently using digital services. Tasks have included to lead the definition of the SESAR Service portfolio and architecture, participate in SWIM governance and road mapping, development and implementation of methods for service identification and design, creation of a service description framework and modelling of services, support to SWIM project management and support to SWIM validation exercises.