Next generation architecture for e-health

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting), has acquired Inera AB to strengthen and accelerate the digitalisation in the local authorities and regions. Utilising Ineras long experience in providing e-health related services at a national level, the intention is to further expand to regions and local authorities and other domains such as social care and education.

One of the key enablers for this digital transformation is the Architecture function at Inera as it provides guidelines and facilitates collaboration between the actors, including regions, local authorities, private actors and citizens.

Knowledge Agency has been contracted to support Inera in developing and implementing the next generation architecture framework and act as mentors to architects in the various organisations. The framework includes a description of the digital ecosystem, processes and methods for architecture development, architecture description guideline etc. Architectures encompass reference and target architectures that range from strategic business architecture to architectures of technical platforms and services for information exchange.